Funding Guidelines of the Shark Foundation
The Shark Foundation has been supporting scientific and other projects since 1998. Scientific projects must increase our knowledge of sharks so that we can protect them more effectively. Other projects aim to improve the public image of sharks.
Financial and manpower resources are scarce, especially in environmental protection. Unfortunately, this means we cannot do all that should be done. Instead we must thus focus our efforts. Regarding new projects, the Shark Foundation tries to follow the approach of the EDGE (Evolutionarily Distinct and Globally Endangered) project. So the Shark Foundation concentrates its resources on relevant evolutionarily distinct and globally (or locally) endangered species and scientific research for the preservation of these shark species. A second focus is placed on important biological questions regarding shark preservation in general.
If you wish to apply for some project support, we kindly ask you to please read the guidelines first.
Funding Guidelines and Conditions of the Shark Foundation
The Foundation supports projects that serve the protection of sharks
The Shark Foundation (hereinafter referred to as the "Shark Foundation" or the "Foundation") supports only shark conservation projects according to its statutes. The projects must be meaningful and financially viable for the Foundation. Shark species studied should meet the CR, EN, VU, NT, DD or NE criteria of the IUCN Red List.
However, in the context of a project that also deals with rays, chimeras or other organisms, the Foundation may support the shark related part in whole or in part.Ethical standards
Project leaders and collaborators must comply with the established ethical principles for research on vertebrates and animals worthy of protection. No living organism should be physically or otherwise harmed, unless there are no other options. Invasive and other methods that expose the organism to stress must be kept to an absolute minimum and mentioned in the project proposal. Failure to comply with these conditions may lead to immediate termination of project support.
The Foundation distinguishes between the following types of projects
- Scientific projects (research projects)
- High-profile projects (reports, books, photo documentaries)
- Educational projects (educational projects e.g. for local fishermen, diving instructors, shark tour operators)
The Foundation distinguishes between three types of projects
- Short projects (< 18 months)
- Standard projects (up to 3 years)
- Long-term projects (> 3 years) No further long-term projects are currently accepted.
Funding Amounts
As a rough estimate, the following funding amounts can be assumed for the respective project types:
- Short projects: total up to CHF 8'000/$8.000
- Standard projects: up to CHF 10,000/$10,000 per year
- Long-term projects: maximum CHF 10,000/$10,000 per year
The Foundation reserves the right to reduce the amount of support requested in a project application.Overhead and other administrative costs
The Foundation pays no overhead or other administrative costs.
In principle, the Foundation supports cooperation, especially for larger and longer projects. Many of our projects receive and have received support from various sources. However, the sources must be disclosed. If a source is not compatible with the ethics or goals of the Foundation, the Foundation reserves the right to reject a project.
If an applicant is interested in cooperating with other researchers, the Foundation can help with its large international network.
What the Foundation usually does not support
- Wages (full-time or part-time) of project staff and their maintenance costs
- Satellite transmitters and other very expensive equipment
- Expensive equipment such as diving equipment or expensive cameras, which can also be used outside the project
- Travel costs/expenses/congress fees
- Publication fees
Reservation of ownership
Should the Foundation's money be used to procure more expensive materials or similar items, the Foundation reserves the right to reclaim these items after completion of the project for use in other projects. After the end of the project, project managers are obliged to send these items back immediately to the office of the Shark Foundation (Zurich, Switzerland) or to financially compensate the Foundation adequately (current value).
Profits resulting from a project must be declared to the Foundation in the project application. Should unexpected profits arise from a project, the Foundation must be informed immediately. The Foundation board will decide on a fair distribution of any profits.
Use of funds and materials
Project funds and project materials from and belonging to the Foundation may only be used for the purposes stated in the project application.
Language of the application
The project proposal must be submitted in English to enable us to forward it to the Scientific Advisory Board or other scientists if necessary.
Requirements for applicants and project staff
- The project manager must be a proven specialist in the relevant field.
Exceptions may be made for short projects.
Obligations of the applicant/project leader
- By submitting the final project application, the applicant and/or the project leader declares that he or she has completed the project application truthfully and to the best of his or her knowledge and belief.
- By submitting the final project application, the applicant and/or the project leader accepts the aforementioned funding guidelines and conditions of the Shark Foundation, including the disclaimer. The applicant and/or project leader is also responsible for ensuring that members of their project staff are aware of and adhere to these grant guidelines and conditions.
Unless otherwise specified, periodical reports (including media and other material) must automatically be submitted to the Board of Trustees via the Foundation Office every six months. These interim reports must be submitted in English and in a quality that allows them to be used directly on the Foundation's website or otherwise without editorial effort.
- In this context, media refers to all electronic or printed information, photos, videos, audio files and similar material.
- Applicants, project managers and/or staff members are obliged to provide the Foundation with media about the project as soon as the latter are available. The Foundation has the right to use these media, with appropriate mention of the copyright, for project documentation purposes on its web pages as well as in other forms.
- Together with the media, a letter and/or signed electronic document must be submitted to the Foundation which clearly states who the owner or copyright holder of any media is. Furthermore, all persons depicted must agree to the publication of any media material and that these can be made available to the Foundation for an unlimited period of time and free of charge for the latter's project documentation on its web pages and in other forms.
Mention of the Foundation
Any support provided by the Shark Foundation (Swiss Shark Foundation / "Hai-Stiftung", Grant Number XXXX) must be mentioned in any scientific publications, lectures and posters at congresses/conferences, as well as in all media produced with the help of the Foundation. In nonscientific productions such as press articles and film productions, every effort should be made to mention the support of the Swiss Shark Foundation / "Hai-Stiftung" with its web address ( or
Decision-making processes
After receiving all information about a project, the Board of Trustees shall decide on whether to support it, including the amount, type and duration of such support. The Scientific Advisory Board or individual scientists can be consulted for a project evaluation. In such case, the Foundation usually follows their recommendation.
The applicant and/or the project leader and the Shark Foundation / "Hai-Stiftung" agree to accept the fact that the Shark Foundation / "Hai-Stiftung," and its Board of Trustees, as well as any other parties associated with the Shark Foundation / "Hai-Stiftung," shall decline any liability, financial or otherwise, for any activity or inactivity of the applicant and/or project leader in the submitted project. Such cases include, but are not limited to, neglect, carelessness, error, strict liability, breach of contract and any injury, illness, damage, loss, expense or claim (including fees and legal fees) that may arise from any cause whatsoever regarding the project.
By submitting the project application of the Shark Foundation to the Shark Foundation / "Hai-Stiftung," the applicant agrees to the exclusion of liability. Accordingly, the applicant and/or project manager further agrees to inform all employees, contractors, subcontractors and third parties involved in the project or any of its subprojects, or any other activities in the scope of the project, about the Shark Foundation's / "Hai-Stiftung's" disclaimer and that they are obliged to accept this disclaimer. -
There are no time windows for the submission of a project proposal.
However, before submitting a concrete project, it is advisable to contact the Foundation atThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . The required information for a first contact is:- Project type
- Short abstract of the project
- Short CV/affiliation of the applicant
- Planned duration
- Detailed budget requested
Please submit your data in English language!
Frequently Asked Questions
All information can be found in the funding guidelines and conditions of the Shark Foundation.
What kind of projects does the Foundation support?
The Foundation supports scientific, publicity and educational projects that serve to protect sharks in general and endangered shark species in particular.Does the Foundation also support projects with rays or chimeras?
According to its statutes, the Foundation only supports shark conservation projects.
However, in the context of a project that also deals with rays or chimeras, the Foundation may support the shark related section in whole or in part.What criteria does the foundation use to decide whether to support a project?
The following main criteria determine whether a project is supported:- The project must serve shark protection
- It must be meaningful and financially viable for the Foundation
- The shark species studied should meet the CR, EN, VU, NT, DD or NE criteria of the IUCN Red List
- For a scientific project, the project manager must be a proven specialist in the relevant field of shark research, although for short projects some exceptions to this rule are possible.
- The Scientific Advisory Board or individual scientists can be consulted for project evaluation. In this case, the Foundation usually follows their recommendation.
- The project must comply with the established ethical principles for research on vertebrates and animals worthy of protection
What is the Foundation's position on cooperations in a project?
In principle, the Foundation supports cooperation, especially for larger and long-term projects. Many of our projects receive and have received support from various sources. However, the sources must be disclosed. If a source is not compatible with the ethics or goals of the Foundation, the Foundation reserves the right to reject a project.What are the duties of a project manager?
The most important duties of a project manager are:
- Project leaders and project staff must comply with the established ethical principles for research on vertebrates and animals worthy of protection. No living organism should be physically or otherwise harmed, unless there are no other options.
- By submitting the final project application, the applicant and/or project manager declare that he or she has filled in the application truthfully and to the best of his or her knowledge.
- By submitting the final project application, the applicant and/or the project manager declare that he or she accepts the present funding guidelines and conditions of the Shark Foundation, including the disclaimer.
- Periodic reports (including media and other material) must be submitted to the Shark Foundation Board of Trustees automatically every six months, unless otherwise specified.
- Applicants, project managers and/or employees are obliged to provide the Foundation with media about the project as soon as they are available. The Foundation has the right to use these media for the project documentation purposes on its web pages as well as in other forms, with appropriate mention of the copyright.
What about overhead payments?
In principle, the Foundation pays no overhead.Does the Foundation also pay salaries or other maintenance costs
No, the Foundation does not pay salaries (full-time or part-time) and usually no maintenance costs for project staff.Can an appeal be lodged against a decision of the Foundation?
No. The decision for or against supporting a project lies solely with the Foundation. The Foundation can refuse to support a project without explaining why, but as a rule reasons are given.