You can search the Shark Database for shark species and names, their degree of endangerment and their range (distribution). The database also controls the interactive path through shark orders. The classification - i.e. the biological separation of sharks into orders, families, genera and species - follows a system established by Dr. Leonard J. V. Compagno, the Red List of the IUCN and the FishBase.
Data found in the Shark Database (Version 5.0)
The Shark Database contains all of the approx. 548 known shark species.
The Shark Database contains comprehensive descriptions of 160 of the approx 548 known shark species.
The database includes a total of 2426 shark names: 692 English names, 570 German names, 548 scientific names, 46 scientific synonyms, 293 Spanish names, 277 French names
The database includes a total of 1008 entries on the distribution of individual shark species.
The database includes information on the degree of endangerment of 548 shark species. The information stems from the Red List of the IUCN.
The database includes 126 shark photos/images.
The database includes 20 distribution maps from sharks (work currently in progress).
In this section of the database you can search for sharks and their exact description. The search includes scientific names, scientific synonyms, German, English, French and Spanish names.
Here you will find the degree of threat to almost all known shark species and the respective detailed criteria of the Red List of the IUCN. The information was compiled using IUCN and FishBase data.
What is a shark? How to identify a shark species? Here you will find an interactive phylogenetic tree of cartilaginous fishes with descriptions of orders, families, genera and species of sharks.
What is a shark? How can you identify a shark species? Here you will find an interactive phylogenetic Tree of Sharks with descriptions of orders, families, genera and species.