Sharks are not threatening us, we are threatening sharks!
Objective of the Foundation
The object of the Foundation is to protect and preserve the sharks and their natural habitats through its own activities and by actively supporting third parties.
In this sense the Foundation provides financial support and advice for scientific work in Switzerland and abroad. PR work, such as organising and running courses, lectures, travelling exhibitions and appearances in the mass media and the like are intended to inform a broad public of the threat to many species of shark and their environments. PR work is also intended to attract donations to fund the Foundation and its various projects.
Finally, cooperative ventures may be entered into with similar institutions and official bodies which are in accordance with the Foundation’s object.
Headquarters of the foundation
Hai Stiftung / Shark Foundationc/o Thorbecke
Haldenhof 3
CH-9000 St. Gallen
Board of Trustees
Chairman: Dr. Alexander J. GodknechtSecretary: Rolf Fässler
Member: Dr. Gaston Denis Guex
Member: Dr. Toni Bürgin
Member: Michael Näf
Scientific Advisory Board
Chairman: Prof. Mahmood ShivjiIf required, various internationally renowned scientists from the particular fields of research.
Office of the foundation
Hai-Stiftung / Shark FoundationBlütenstrasse 4
CH-8057 Zürich
Commercial register
Registered in the canton of St. GallenChamber of Industry and Commerce, St. Gallen, Switzerland
UID CHE-110.403.699
Revisal AG GossauSt. Gallerstrasse 99
CH-9200 Gossau
Supervisory Authority
Swiss Federal Supervision of FoundationsInselgasse 1
CH-3003 Bern
The Shark Foundation is a charitable foundation registered in the canton of St. Gallen.Donations to the Shark Foundation are tax deductible in Switzerland.