- Adopt a Blue shark
- Adopt a Mako shark
- Adopt a threatened Great Hammerhead shark
- Adopt a threatened shark
- Adopt a threatened Tiger shark
- Adopt a whale shark
- Adopt a White Shark
- Analysis of Blue Sharks in Cornwall (England)
- Angel sharks of Canary Islands
- Annual Report 2019 is online
- Annual Report 2020 is online
- Annual Report 2021 is online
- Annual Report 2022 is online
- Annual Report 2023 is online
- Annual Reports of the Shark Foundation
- Artisanal shark fisheries in Angola
- Artisanal shark fisheries in Ghana
- At last! Mako retention ban by ICATT
- Red List Shark Species:
- Red List Shark Species: Critically Endangered
- Red List Shark Species: Data Deficient
- Red List Shark Species: Endangered
- Red List Shark Species: Extinct
- Red List Shark Species: Least Concern
- Red List Shark Species: Near Threatened
- Red List Shark Species: Vulnerable
- Risks of water activities
- Science of shark accidents
- Search for the distribution of shark species
- Search the Shark Database for shark names
- SeaSheperd: Shark Documentary
- Shark accident facts
- Shark accidents
- Shark Database with over 500 shark species
- Shark Exhibit of the Shark Foundation
- Shark finning
- Shark fisheries
- Shark identification
- Shark Information Center
- Shark Nurseries in Rookery Bay (FL)
- Shark products kill sharks
- Shark protection in Cape Verde
- Shark protection projects
- Shark species in Arabian Sea, Lacadives
- Shark species in Arctic Region
- Shark species in Australia, New Zealand
- Shark species in Bay of Bengal, Andaman
- Shark species in Black Sea
- Shark species in Caribbean
- Shark species in Chinese and Japanese regions
- Shark species in East coast of Africa
- Shark species in East coast of North America
- Shark species in East coast of South America
- Shark species in Indian Ocean
- Shark species in Lakes and rivers
- Shark species in Mediterranean
- Shark species in Mexican Gulf
- Shark species in North Atlantic
- Shark species in North Pacific E
- Shark species in North Pacific W
- Shark species in North Sea - Baltic
- Shark species in Philippines, Indonesia
- Shark species in Red Sea
- Shark species in South Atlantic
- Shark species in South Pacific E
- Shark species in South Pacific W
- Shark species in Southern Ocean
- Shark species in West coast of Africa
- Shark species in West coast of North America
- Shark species in West coast of South America
- Shark trade in Greece
- Shark trade Tamil Nadu
- Sharks - the hunted Hunters
- Sharks and Rays, Seychelles
- Sharks in the Ambracian Gulf
- Sharks in the bycatch
- Sharks International 2022 and EEA
- Short projects in Bimini
- Sixgill Sharks in the Mediterranean
- Support the Shark Foundation by buying a Cuddly Shark
- Support the Shark Foundation by buying a Poster
- Support the Shark Foundation by buying a Poster SG
- Taxonomy: The Orders of Sharks
- The IUCN Red List categories and criteria
- The reproduction of sharks
- The seven senses of sharks
- The Shark Foundation
- The Shark Order Angel sharks
- The Shark Order Bullhead sharks
- The Shark Order Carpet sharks
- The Shark Order Dogfish sharks
- The Shark Order Frilled and cow sharks
- The Shark Order Ground sharks
- The Shark Order Mackerel sharks
- The Shark Order Saw sharks
- Three shark documentaries
- Tour through the Shark Exhibit
- Typical anatomy of sharks
- Typical features of sharks