Molecular Identification and Analyses (15)
D. Pinhal, M. S. Shivji, M. Vallinoto, D. D. Chapman, O. B. F. Gadig and C. Martins2012
Cryptic hammerhead shark lineage occurrence in the western South Atlantic revealed by DNA analysis
Marine Biology 159:829-836 (2012)
D. D. Chapman, D. Pinhal, M. S. Shivji2009
Tracking the fin trade: genetic stock identification in western Atlantic scalloped hammerhead sharks Sphyrna lewini
Endangered Species Research Vol. 9: 221 - 228
D. D. Chapman, B. Fichau and M. S. Shivji2008
Parthenogenesis in a large-bodied requiem shark, the blacktip Carcharhinus limbatus
Journal of Fish Biology 73, 1473-1477
H. Sebastian, P. A. Haye and M. S. Shivji2008
Characterization of the pelagic shark-fin trade in north-central Chile by genetic identification and trader surveys
Journal of Fish Biology 73, 2293-2304
J. E. Magnussen, E. K. Pikitch, S. C. Clarke, C. Nicholson, A. R. Hoelzel & M. S. Shivji2007
Genetic tracking of basking shark products in international trade
Animal Conservation 10 199-207
Shelley C. Clarke, Murdoch K. McAllister, E. J. Milner-Gulland, G. P. Kirkwood, Catherine G. J. Michielsens, David J. Agnew, Ellen K. Pikitch, Hideki Nakano and Mahmood S. Shivji2006
Global estimates of shark catches using trade records from commercial markets
Ecology Letters 9: 1115-1126
Shelley C. Clarke, Jennifer E. Magnussen, Debra L. Abercombie, Murdoch K. McAlister and Mahmood S. Shivji2005
Identification of Shark Species Composition and Proportion in the Hong Kong Shark Fin Market Based on Molecular Genetics and Trade Records
Conservation Biology Volume 20, No. 1, 201-211
Debra L. Abercombie, Shelley C. Clarke Mahmood S. Shivji2005
Global-scale genetic identification of hammerhead sharks: Application to assessment of the international fin trade and law enforcement
Conservation Genetics 6:775-788
Mahmood S. Shivji, Demian D. Chapman, Ellen K. Pikitch & Paul W. Raymond2005
Genetic profiling reveals illegal international trade in fins of the great white shark, Carcharodon carcharias
Conservation Genetics 6:1035-1039
Chapman, D.D., P.A. Prodohl, J. Gelsleichter, C.A. Manire and M.S. Shivji2004
Predominance of genetic monogamy by females in a hammerhead shark, Sphyrna tiburo: Implications for shark conservation
Molecular Ecology 13: 1965-1974
C. J. Douady, M. Dosay, M. S. Shivji, and M. J. Stanhope2003
Molecular phylogenetic evidence refuting the hypothesis of Batoidea (rays and skates) as derived sharks
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 26: 215-221
Pank, M., L. Natanson, N. Kohler, M. Stanhope and M. Shivji2003
Rapid species identification of pelagic shark tissues using genetic approaches
In: Sharks of the Open Ocean E. Pikitch & M. Camhi (Eds.). Blackwell Science Inc.
Demian D. Chapman, Debra L. Abercombie, Christophe J. Douady, Ellen K. Pikich, Michael J. Stanhope and Mahmood S. Shivji2003
A streamlined, bi-organelle, multiplex PCR approach to species identification: Application to global conservation and trade monitoring of the greatwhite shark, Carcharodon carcharias
Conservation Genetics 4: 415-425
M. Shivji, S. Clarke, M. Pank, L. Natanson, N. Kohler and M. Stanhope2002
Genetic Identification of Pelagic Shark Body Parts for Conservation and Trade-Monitoring
Conservation Biology 16(4):1036-1047
M. Pank, M. Stanhope, L. Natanson, N. Kohler and M. Shivji2001
Rapid and simultaneous identification of body parts from the morphologically similar sharks Carcharhinus obscurus and Carcharhinus plumbeus (Carcharhinidae) using multiplex PCR.
Marine Biotechnology 3:231-240
Behavior (1)
Ritter, Erich K. and Godknecht, Alexander J.2000
Agonistic displays in the Blacktip Shark (Carcharhinus limbatus)
Copeia February 1, 2000. 282-284
Masters thesis on Shovelnose Hammerheads in the Gulf of Mexico (1)
Markus Ruch2001
Einfluss biogeographischer Veränderungen im Golf von Mexiko auf molekulare Populationsstrukturen beim Schaufelnasen-Hammerhai Sphyrna tiburo
Diplomarbeit am Zoologischen Museum der Universität Zürich
Books (4)
Hong Kong Project:
Man & Shark: Paul Hilton and Alex Hofford, Hong Kong, in English and Mandarin.