Photo © Simon Pierce
Photo © Simon Pierce
Photo © Simon Pierce
The Shark Foundation was established in 1997 to actively promote the protection and research of sharks and to preserve their natural habitats.
Today sharks are endangered and fought by man on all fronts ! They are often hunted just for their fins and their natural environment is destroyed or polluted.
Each year at least 1.4 Millionen tonnes or 100,000,000 sharks are killed, approximately 73 Millionen just for the asian shark fin soup market.
Sharks are very important for the ecological balance in our oceans:
The 4 main reasons why sharks disappear:
With a Great Hammerhead shark adoption you support the work of the Shark Foundation for the global protection of the highly endangered Great Hammerhead sharks.
A shark adoption will fully benefit the projects with these sharks. If we do not have any projects with this particular shark species at times, we will assign the adoption to very similar projects.
You pay an adoption once. However, we will ask you a maximum of once a year if you would like to renew your adoption.
Together with a printed photo of the shark species you will receive a numbered adoption certificate and a description of the species.
If the adoption is intended for a gift, please tell us the name of the person you are sponsoring for the sponsorship certificate.
You can enter this and other comments under "Notes and enquiries about the order" at the Checkout.
The delivery time is about 1 - 2 weeks in Europe. Please inform us if it is urgent.